Frank Soboleski - 506th PIR 2nd Battalion 101st airborne

PVT. Frank Soboleski, 506th PIR 2nd Battalion 101st airborne.


Frank was born on June the 18th 1925 at International Falls .

He was born and raised on a farm and he had eight sisters and brothers.

His father was from Poland and his mother was from Austria . Now they where farmers in the North of Minnesota.

Frank was the oldest child of the family Soboleski.

He enlisted in the Army in August 1943.

Frank wanted to become a Paratrooper and do the training at Fort Benning, Georgia .

He wanted to become a hard trained soldier because he wanted to be prepared and to save his live in combat.

After his training at Fort Benning he went to Fort McClellan , then he went to Camp Shanks wich was the port of debarkation to Europe .

From there on he went to Aldbourne with the rest of 2 nd Battalion 506 th PIR.

He Jumped in to Normandy and Holland during Market Garden and landed in Nymegen.

You could hear artillery, machine guns, you could hear everything.

A lot of people never made it to the ground.

After Market Garden he went to Mourmelon where they got some rest for a short while.

In December 1944, Pvt. Frank Soboleski, of the 101st Airborne Division was fighting for his life in the Battle of the Bulge near Bastogne , Belgium . By his side was his "foxhole buddy" Pvt. Herb Suerth .

After Bastogne he went to Hagenau, a place in eastern France near the German border.

Frank went all the way with E-co to Berchtesgarden.

Frank was discharged in the beginning of 1946.



Meeting Veterans Bastogne december 2007.

Winter 2007 Bastogne, Quote van Frank Soboleski: "You guys are doing a great job. Keep continuing, because YOU ARE OUR REPLACEMENTS !!!!!"